Monday's morning devotion
Even I will admit, perhaps grudgingly, that societies need to set parameters. Communities call these parameters “laws.” Whether it be the church community or a world community, these things are needed, laws are needed. Sometimes we find them limiting, sometimes we find them stifling. Sometimes we find them just but other times they are tried and found wanting, found to be unjust. Just as we need laws, we also need to uphold those which are good and just but we also need to confront those which are neither.
It is no surprise that Jesus knew the difference. Jesus knew that, no matter how well intended, people don’t always do the Godly thing. We don’t always do what God intends because we are human and because we often think we can do better. Jesus shows us that, sometimes, doing the right thing isn’t always right.
If someone is hungry today, do we tell them to wait until tomorrow, the kitchen is closed? Is someone is sick today, do we tell them to wait until tomorrow, the doctor isn’t in? If someone is suffering, do we tell them to grit their teeth, grin and bear it because tomorrow will be a better day?
We want to do the right thing, O Lord. We try, honestly we do but sometimes we don’t get it right. Inform our hearts that we might do your will. Amen
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